Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Keep it moving....

I've enjoyed blogging for my  technology graduate class but now that the class is over I'm finding it hard to continue.  Part of the reason is another class has taken up my "spare" time.  But why not use this to my advantage.  Use my blog to reflect on my new class and new learning!The new class is an action research class.  So my first question was: action research...hmmm? The word research scares me....I immediately think of hours spent reading articles written by much smarter people with gobs of percentages and test results.  So I immediately went to the Internet and my fears were abated!

So my question to you is....how do you define action research?  Are you formulating questions everyday in your classroom?

Sunday, March 3, 2013

A silly reflection!

So I'm feeling really good about all that I learned these past 8 weeks.  But there are still some tools that I haven't tried! (And I'm sure that there is many more being developed as I type!) I wanted to create something fun and light but also to show what I have learned. Enter Go!Animate. I love the 2 smartphones talking to each other and thought they could have a funny conversation.  As I made it, I realized that I needed to get to the point quickly.
Cell chat by mbhixs on GoAnimate

Animation Software - Powered by GoAnimate.

The most important thing I learned during this class was not to be afraid of technology.( This is how my students must feel when they are learning something new!) I had been apprehensive about putting myself out into the great big world wide web. But as I became more comfortable with all of the new tech tools and realizing that my blog was being looked at and reading the posts from colleagues and new friends-people from all over, I wanted to learn more!

Let's Animate....web 2.0 style!

I wanted to try something different and I haven't tried any of the animation tools yet so...I checked out GoAnimate. Here is my silly first try! Tell me what you think! How would you use this with your students?

The Watering Hole by mbhixs on GoAnimate

Animation Software - Powered by GoAnimate.